
Aggelos Andreou

Aggelos is the European Staff Writer for WatersTechnology. He holds a master’s degree in Financial Journalism from City University London and in Media and Globalization from Aarhus University. Before joining Waters, he worked as a freelancer in Denmark and as a correspondent for major Greek media outlets. 

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Articles by Aggelos Andreou

Europe Unbundles Research and Execution

The unbundling of research and execution functions is one of the most widely anticipated and debated pieces of regulation amid the storm of measures introduced by the European Commission that will have a significant impact on how the buy side and sell…

Dancing in the Dark: Fraud Shapes Dark Pools

Dark pools, with their anonymous members and clandestine dealings, have come in for a fair bit of stick in the last few years, especially from regulators on both sides of the Atlantic keen to shine a light on these increasingly popular execution venues.