
Bandwidth's silver bullet

The expectations of regulators and investors of best execution are forcing broker/dealers on both sides of the Atlantic to evaluate their connectivity and supporting infrastructure. John Panzica argues that ethernet technology has the potential to…

Thinning the herd

War isn't pretty and neither, so it seems, is running a leveraged investment strategy with significant credit exposures in the face of a precipitous mortgage market downturn. The list of hedge fund casualties continues to climb in the wake of the US sub…

Break Time

Max Bowie is on vacation. Due to the summer break, Inside Market Data will not publish on Aug. 27. His Opening Cross column will return in the next issue, which will be published on Monday, Sept. 3.

The Calm After the Storm?

The tornado that hit New York last week left not only a wake of felled trees, downed power lines and damaged homes, but also people stranded, late, confused, and struggling to reach their destination. What immediately became clear is that New York City's…

Fair Game

Just in case you missed it, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. last week gained the backing of sufficient members of Dow Jones' controlling Bancroft family to support a takeover of the company—or maybe you read about it in The Wall Street Journal or on your Dow…

The Race to Lay the Golden Copy Egg

By building a golden source security master, firms can realize cost savings through reductions in data management issues fuelled by improved data quality, say BusinessEdge Solutions' Rachel Haines and Jignesh Prajapati. Here, they outline the best…

Editor’s letter: As dull as ditchwater

Few would argue that data management is as dull as ditchwater. It is, it has been, and in my opinion, it always will be. But efficient and logical data management is also important – very important. So much so that poor data management – which, for the…

Beachy keen

BST Columnist Phil Albinus prepares for his August vacation by taking a tongue-in-cheek look at a number of buy-side technology issues likely to be addressed in the second half of 2007, including preparing Mifid ‘alibis’ in anticipation of your firm’s…

The Sweet Sound of Success

Somewhere over the drone of the air conditioner struggling to keep pace with the New York summer, I hear another faint sound…. Do you hear it? It sounds like the rustle of crisp dollar bills. It's the sound of the dealmakers rubbing their hands together…

A Fox in the Henhouse

Dear John: By the time you read this, I may be gone. We had some good times, but it had to end someday, and I've met another man with lots of money and an exotic accent. Love always, Dow Jones.

Beneficiary-Driven Solutions

Business transformation is akin to making a silk purse from a sow's ear— long pursued, but elusive. The trite "it is about people, not technology" masks a hard reality. To reap the potentially rich harvest envisioned by major business shifts demands a…

Waiting for the Summer Lull

Activity tends to tail off during the summer vacation months, leading to a drawing-out of project timeframes. However, this busy edition of IMD reads like a copy-book of all the trends currently grabbing headlines in the market data industry—from low…

Faster, FASTer

Ladies, how many times have you heard the line—and guys, how many times have you used it—that the best things come in small packages? Well, it's official! Small really is beautiful—at least when it comes to market data.

Data Ticks and Poli-tics

This week, I’d like to tell you how US president George W. Bush and new British prime minister Gordon Brown—both avid IMD readers, I’m told—have already crossed swords over a series of market data-related issues. Like I say, I’d like to, but firstly, we…

Embracing the Changing European Payments Landscape

The Single European Payments Area becomes a reality in January 2008. Some firms are well advanced in their preparations, but others have a more relaxed approach. CB.Net's Nicholas Daniel asks what the directive will mean for data management

Editor’s letter: What have we done to deserve this?

That must have been the question on the lips of the conference organisers at this year's SunGard Europa event held on the shores of Lake Como in early June. Highlights of events such as these usually take place on the penultimate evening of the gathering…

Essential ingredients

City Practitioners’ Neil Hookway address the numerous communications challenges facing hedge funds and their technology providers when establishing the technical parameters of new projects.

Content Is King... Isn't It?

SIA shows… sorry, SIFMA shows… are like Christmas for market data professionals. The Hilton gets lit up like a Christmas tree and festooned with all kinds of flashy goodies. You play with your new toy for a while but then lose interest when you see that…

Where Is Grid Going?

For most of us, grid computing is a stateless network of compute nodes used to split and run complex analytic processes in parallel to reduce elapsed run times. However, for a small but growing number of market participants it is the next-generation,…

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