
Taking Control in the Economic Downturn

LONDON-As the global markets continue to attempt to right themselves during the current crisis, financial technologists and their organizations can weather this upheaval and potentially come out ahead, according to Peter Kelso, CIO of Deutsche Bank…

Thoughts on Turning 15

On May 13, DWT held its 15th annual DWT conference and exhibition at the Hilton Tower Bridge in London, drawing buy-side and sell-side financial technologists from the City and Canary Wharf, as well as Continental Europe. All gathered to discuss this…

Smart Order Routing Becomes Key for FX Traders

LONDON-In less-liquid markets, smart order routing has become key not only for equity traders, but also for those trading in the foreign exchange (FX) space, according to speakers at a liquidity sourcing panel held during the DWT 2009 conference.

IMD Reference: Bloomberg Takes Lead Share

Bloomberg edged ahead of the merged Thomson Reuters during 2008, with a 33 percent share of the real-time market data industry compared to just under 32 percent for Thomson Reuters, according to this year's Inside Market Data Reference report.

Banks: Data Usage Reviews Key to Costs

As firms face increasing pressures to control overall costs and spend on market data, closer evaluation of data requirements versus actual usage has become a priority, according to a panel of end-user firms at last week's North American Financial…

Bottega: Be Pragmatic, Be Understood

John Bottega, recently appointed chief data officer at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, kicked off last week's North American Financial Information Summit with a keynote speech calling for data management professionals to be more pragmatic in their…

Vendors Focus on New Drivers of Demand

Data providers are adapting to economic conditions with new content sets and capabilities driven not just by cost pressures, but by end-user demand to comply with new regulations, and by simplifying product sets to address broader audiences, according to…

Latency Still Vital, But 'Smarts' is New Focus

While latency continues to be a competitive differentiator for trading firms, they are placing more emphasis on how they leverage their technology in smarter ways to create greater benefits, according to panelists at last week's North American Financial…

Exchanges Must Standardize, Ease Hidden Burdens

As cost pressures continue to rise, exchanges should do more to adopt standards that make it easier for end-user firms to connect to and consume their data, if not move towards making commoditized data more freely available, said members of an exchange…

Panel: Take Dual Approach to Tackling Capacity

Capacity issues resulting from more algorithmic trading and increased data volumes continue to vex industry participants, who are taking a dual approach of trying to predict capacity requirements while reducing the number of applications that need access…

Knight Slays Performance Latency

Most broker-dealers are in a race to achieve the lowest network messaging latency possible, but for trade execution and market data, agency broker Knight Capital Group sees managing latency as only one leg in the quest to deliver best execution for its…

Mastering Latency Management

Since the introduction of electronic trading, achieving low-latency messaging has been a constant arms race amongst market participants. Being the first to see and execute against a quote puts traders in the best market position possible. Yet creating…

Solving the Latency Problem

As algorithmic and black box traders continue to grow their share of trading volume on the electronic markets, the importance of managing message latency continues to grow in parallel. For those firms that can receive the quotes the quickest and execute…

Asia Geography Poses Data Challenges

The geographically dispersed nature of Asian markets poses unique challenges to building market data and trading infrastructures in the region, as increased automated trading prompts a growing focus on latency and throughput, said panelists in Singapore…

China's Data Market Faces Growing Pains

The Chinese data industry is expected to grow substantially in coming years, creating opportunities for Western and local vendors alike, according to panelists at an event in Shanghai, one in a series of Asia-Pacific events organized by Inside Market…

Sydney: Financial Storm Fails to Halt Rising Data Tide

Market data volumes continue to rise exponentially in spite of the constraints placed on the industry by the financial crisis, posing both challenges and opportunities to vendors servicing the marketplace, according to a panel discussion Sydney,…

DJ Editors Tell Tale of Two Economies

In recent years, the Asia-Pacific region, and China in particular, has offered a safe haven for Western investors seeking to escape the impact of the sub-prime crisis and better returns for firms trading over-commoditized markets, according to senior…

Panel: China Demand for Data, Tech to Grow

A growing economy, burgeoning numbers of retail investors, and the need for technology to compete with Western markets are all driving demand for market data in China's financial markets, according to panelists in Shanghai.

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