Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB)

Data Governance As Leverage

Industry executives are looking to move away from their traditional use of data management resources and methods. Michael Shashoua reports that EDM, centralization and shifts in firms’ cultures are all being considered

Take Away Spreadsheets? From My Cold, Dead Hands

Microsoft Excel spreadsheets will continue to be widely used at asset management firms for the foreseeable future. But new regulations, technological advancements, and risk management concerns are leading buy-side firms to examine ways to lessen their…

Is IBOR Just a Buzzword?

Moderator Barry Chester, wrapping up a panel discussion on the business case for installing an investment book of record (IBOR), asked a question that should be asked of any hot new piece of technology: Is IBOR just a buzzword? Surprisingly, not everyone…

CPPIB's Jay Vyas: Keep the 'I' in IBOR

When developing an investment book of record (IBOR), it's important that traders and portfolio managers retain ownership of the data and that the IBOR remains an investment function, and not a function of compliance or reporting, according to Jay Vyas,…

Vendor Relationships are Changing, Say CTOs

The pace of technology change has increased such that Fidelity Investments is reconsidering the length of its enterprise license agreements (ELAs) with vendors, CTO Mihir Shah revealed during a conversation about vendor relationships at the Buy-Side…

IRD's Editor on Data Cost Messages From Toronto

Firms have to muster the will and resources to act on data management improvements before advancing innovations, or even compliance efforts, according to several speakers and panelists at the Toronto Financial Information Summit on July 10.

The Road To Value From Data

Costs and resources for data management take precedence in reference data, so firms must develop a palette of strategies, centralization, sourcing and prioritization to make the most of what they have to work with

CPPIB Names Wadehn Program Director

The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board has hired Bettina Wadehn as program director for data management. Wadehn's prior experience includes executive and senior manager roles at Bank of Nova Scotia, Scotia Capital and Reuters