Tabb Group

Fee Fight: Ye Olde Market Data Battleground

Market data fees charged by exchanges continue to be a bone of contention for banks, electronic trading firms and asset managers. And although recent events playing out in the US are adding fuel to the fee fire, frustration levels are rising in Europe…

Law & Disorder: US Preps Defense Against Mifid II

As Mifid II's deadline approaches, US firms affected by the rules are still waiting for regulators to resolve crucial conflicts between European and American laws, and are likely to be making adjustments well after the deadline has passed, reports…

The Dark Art of Pre-Trade Analytics

Financial firms commonly review trading activity after the fact to improve their execution strategies. But what they’d really love to do is perform that in real time, pre-trade. Max Bowie looks at how far along market participants are in pursuit of this…

Compliance Countdown: On the Home Stretch to Mifid II

September 25 marked exactly 100 days until Europe’s new financial regulatory framework, Mifid II, becomes law. Jamie Hyman gets the lowdown from market participants and observers on whether the industry is ready, what the remaining three months will look…

Compliance Countdown: 100 Days to MiFID II

Sept. 25 marks exactly 100 days until Europe’s new financial regulatory framework, MiFID II, becomes law. Jamie Hyman gets the lowdown from industry experts on whether the industry is ready, what the next 100 days will look like, which strategies firms…

Looking For An API Standard

Application programming interfaces, long popular for accessing data, are attracting attention for standardization. What can be done, however, is still questionable