
Spotlight on Christopher Russo

Citisoft has added another managing director, Christopher Russo, to its line-up of buy-side technology consultants. Russo discusses his previous role as executive director of client operations at Omgeo, as well as the issues he anticipates tackling for…

Spotlight on Jeffrey Axelrod

Is there money to be made targeting the fund of hedge funds industry as a distinct technology market? Jeffrey Axelrod, co-founder and newly appointed chief executive of middle- and back-office application developer Cogency Software, thinks so. He talks…

Exceeding expectations

Performance reports on the buy side are hardly worth the paper they are printed on, unless of course, they are fully GIPS-compliant. Performa is one of a select handful of vendors operating in this space, proving that, in an industry increasingly…

Right place right time

Buy-side organisations have traditionally struggled to objectively measure the value they derive from the services pedalled to them by their sell-side counterparts. Now, with the introduction of Reg NMS in the US and Mifid in Europe, investment managers…

Eze Castle unveils London-based incubation service

Eze Castle Integration (ECI), the Boston-based provider of technology and IT services to the buy side, has announced the London availability of its Eze Managed Suites, a service offering organisations access to hedge fund-specific technology and business…

Arcing towards the buy side

Arcontech is another in a long line of technology firms that started life focusing on lucrative tier-one sell-side organisations, but due to the rise in prominence of the buy side, have since widened their scope to include hedge funds and long-only asset…

Spotlight on Sam Somech

Sam Somech knows his middleware. The technology veteran who invented trans-actional messaging has set his sights on derivatives, heading up research and development at SuperDerivatives. He talks with Stewart Eisenhart about why he joined the vendor, and…

Thomson Financial: Topical to a 't'

One of the most hotly contested spaces on the buy side at present is that covering the pricing of complex OTC derivatives – most notably credit derivatives – and the valuation of portfolios and structured products comprising such instruments. It…