Special report

Adopting a do-it-yourself approach to MBS dealings

Sailing remains anything but smooth for the mortgage-backed securities market, a situation exacerbated by a significant lack of third-party support for trading, pricing, and risk management of these instruments. But that hasn't swayed alternative…

Kimsey: Credit Crunch Hits Screen Counts

A report on the trading floor market for trading and data services, published this week by Kimsey Consulting, predicts that the number of trading positions worldwide will fall by 12,000 by 2011, with a similar reduction in screen counts over the same…

Symbology: A Question of Character

The new Options Symbology Initiative aims to increase listed options' current three- to five-character symbols to a total of 21 characters each-a four-fold jump that will require an overhaul of trading systems before the new symbology goes live sometime…

Options Data's Growing Pains

Data volumes in the options markets continue to grow at frustrating rates as exchanges list more instruments, algorithmic trading of options gains traction, and the Securities and Exchange Commission expands the quoting of options in penny increments…

Europe Braces for Options Data Growth

European options data volumes-while low compared to their US equivalents-are rising fast, prompting options exchanges in the region to deploy new technologies and upgrade client bandwidth connectivity to accommodate current and anticipated rises.

FIF Readies Symbology Groups

Data industry body the Financial Information Forum is establishing two new sub-committees focusing on options identifiers for internal and retail investor communication for options.

Options Mitigation Lacks Consensus

Some industry participants are pressing US options exchanges to agree on a coordinated, cross-exchange strategy for slowing the continuing rise of options quote and trade data being distributed by the Options Price Reporting Authority.

Financial Technologists Reveal Earnings

NEW YORK-To get a picture of how much jobs in the financial IT industry pay these days, Dealing with Technology 's sibling publication Waters magazine asked its readers to reveal what they expect to earn annually in terms of base salary, cash bonus and…

Overcoming Grid Challenges

With rapid changes in hardware and new third-party service offerings, firms looking to deploy and grow their grid computing environments face new and familiar challenges. DWT editor Rob Daly sits down with Jingwen Wang, vice president of products with…

TD, IBM Team on Blue Gene

Toronto-headquartered TD Bank Financial Group has partnered with IBM to utilize the vendor's Stream Computing software system to perform "on the fly" analysis of live data, IBM officials