Nicholas Hamilton

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Articles by Nicholas Hamilton

DTCC Wins Approval For Japanese Trade Repository

The post-trade services vendor has secured approval to operate a trade repository for over-the-counter derivatives trades in Japan, and will use the same messaging and software capabilities as it does for its other repositories in the US and Europe

GBST Aims to Hasten Tax Data Processing

The software and services provider has launched a new rules-based engine that will help firms manage the transactional flows associated with existing and future taxes on financial transactions

Taxing Times

Decisions by France and Italy to introduce taxes on financial transactions have created new challenges for data managers who must identify all instruments that are affected. As more European countries plan to roll out similar taxes, firms will have to…

Powerful API Tool Helps Fund Grow 60%

Serone Capital Management says the powerful application programming interface and flexibility of Alphakinetic's Glide Fund Manager helped it create a return of 60% on its structured credit fund last year

Clearing Trade Reporting Hurdles

With many firms now familiar with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's trade reporting requirements, the next big challenge is the European Market Infrastructure Regulation. Once these two have been overcome, new reporting requirements in other…

Five Years of SFTI in Europe

Sell-Side Technology caught up with Ian Jack, global head of infrastructure for the Secure Financial Transaction Infrastructure (SFTI) at NYSE Technologies, in London earlier this week.

FISD Wants Data Contracts To Be Crisp

The Consumer Constituency Group of the Financial Information Services Division has begun an initiative for standardization of the language used in data contracts, to prevent different interpretations by end-user firms, data vendors and exchanges