Marina Daras

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Articles by Marina Daras

Investment Banking Platforms Set to Become More Social

As regulations continue to reshape the global financial marketplace, single-dealer platforms are being forced to rethink how they operate. Influenced by ever-increasing consumer use of technology and social media, and determined to put their clients in…

ECJ Rejects UK’s Appeal on Financial Transaction Tax

The debate on the European Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) was reignited today as the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the highest court within the EU, rejected the UK’s action against the introduction of the controversial tax, also called Tobin Tax,…

ADX Goes Live on Nasdaq OMX

The Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) is now live on Nasdaq OMX X-Stream platform, almost two years after the two firms signed their first agreement.

EU Introduces First Rule on HFT

The European Parliament and the European Council last night reached agreement on updated rules for the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Mifid II), introducing the EU’s first rules on algorithmic trading.

EC to Clarify FX Reporting Rule Under EMIR

The European Commission (EC) has launched a public consultation in an attempt to clarify and harmonize the definition and reporting of derivatives contracts falling under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR).