Best corporate actions data provider—SIX

Best corporate actions data provider—SIX
Inside Market Data & Inside Reference Data 2024-logo-BB8


Product overview—Global Corporate Actions

SIX’s corporate actions data is globally sourced to support firms’ cash flow management, income distribution and risk management functions. Aggregated from major financial markets, SIX’s data is structured to optimize operational automation, allowing clients to handle the growing volume and complexity of corporate actions. Delivered worldwide in a customizable format, the firm’s corporate actions data helps reduce operational and reputational risk, while making data consumption more efficient.


Secret sauce

The SIX data model enables complex events to be standardized, decrypted and delivered in near real time. Its service helps firms plan ahead and reduce the risk of missing announcements, notifying them in advance of events taking place in any portfolio. Traditionally, users combined data from SIX with various other sources with difficult-to-integrate formats. SIX now works with more than 50 partners to deliver aggregated data in a wide variety of formats that can easily be integrated by its clients.


Recent milestones

Recently, SIX unveiled the following functionalities: 

  • SIX Bot, launched in November 2023, allows access to high-quality and timely corporate actions data on a global scale. The bot answers simple requests and returns the main attributes per event type.
  • Corporate Action Calendar, launched in September 2023, is an automated tool allowing users to reliably and cost-effectively track and process upcoming events. The platform automatically flags any relevant changes to upcoming corporate actions impacting the securities in a portfolio in a timely manner.


Future objectives

This year, SIX will launch a new delivery tool, Bulk API, which will allow clients to plug its corporate actions data into their master data systems, according to their specific format and timing requirements. This application programming interface (API) is part of the firm’s SIX API series, a human-readable plug-and-play portfolio of APIs supporting all reference and market data integration needs. A new cloud-based solution is also planned.


Corporate actions are part of our core expertise and has been a key part of our success. But, to stay successful, we know we have to bring continuous innovation in the game and solve new business cases for our clients. That’s why this year we have launched new functionalities and delivery tools, and will carry on in the upcoming years to stay worthy of this IMD & IRD award-winning streak we genuinely value.
Shai Popat, head of content and product management, SIX


Why SIX won

If one were to compile a list of the most consistent and successful firms in the Inside Market Data & Inside Reference Data Awards over the course of the past two decades, it goes without saying that SIX would be on that list. The Zurich-based data specialist has dominated the Best corporate actions data provider category in these awards over the years, and for good reason. Not only does it offer the market high‑quality, timely and transparent corporate actions data, but it continues to drip-feed new functionality into its Global Corporate Actions service, enhancing its user-friendliness and appeal across both sides of the market. Its SIX Bot and Corporate Action Calendar are two examples of new functionality that will no doubt resonate with its user base and ensure that, this time next year, SIX will be in the reckoning for yet another win in these awards.

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