Editors letter

Malfunction! Malfunction!

It’s not been a great week for capital markets technology. For the past seven days, I’ve had the image of Robby the Robot in my head, being told by Doctor Mobius to go against his basic programming, and building up to a short circuit as a result. This,…

SEFs Are Only One Part of the Swaps Equation

When it comes to untangling the emergence of swap execution facilities (SEFs), it's sometimes easy to feel like Theseus navigating the labyrinth. Whether the regulators play the parts of Daedalus and Icarus, or the Minotaur, of course, depends on your…

Aleynikov's Ripple Effect

This week Michael Lewis brought a national spotlight to the Goldman Sachs case against Sergey Aleynikov. Will this change the way programmers conduct business in the future?

Marking Your Own Homework

The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (Sifma) sent a request for a review into the structure of the exchange self-regulatory model (SRO) last week, in a move that may force regulators to take an enhanced role in market oversight.

AIFMD Approaches

Starting Monday, AIFMD has to be written into national law throughout Europe. In this new statute, Anthony says firms can learn something from their neighbors across the pond, who had to begin filing for Form PF last year.

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