Giulia Lasagni

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Articles by Giulia Lasagni

Latest Exchange Results Show Mixed Data Fortunes

Exchanges reported a mixed bag in their latest results, with three exchanges around the globe reporting high single-digit data revenue increases and others registering flat or lower revenues resulting from low volatility and fewer subscriber numbers.

Barchart Adds US, Canadian Equity Options Prices

Chicago-based market data provider Barchart has added US and Canadian equity options price data to its cloud-based Barchart OnDemand service, allowing clients to request current, end-of-day and historical option pricing using Barchart's OnDemand APIs.

De Telegraaf Taps VWD for Financial Data

Dutch daily newspaper De Telegraaf has rolled out stock and financial data from the Dutch subsidiary of German market data vendor VWD Group, building on an existing deal to carry the vendor's data on its website with a new package that officials say…

Millistream Adds GXG Markets Data

Swedish data provider Millistream has signed an agreement to distribute real-time, delayed and end-of-day price data from Danish pan-European exchange GXG Markets, to improve its offering and to give clients access to a broader range of market…

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