Research and Commentary

Spotlight on Dan Bukowski

After a 22-year stint on the buy side, most recently as chief information officer (CIO) at Citigroup Asset Management, Dan Bukowski has opted to head up research at equity analytics technology developer Quantitative Services Group (QSG). He discusses the…

Spotlight on Mark Froese

Sky Road, the Illinois-based financial technology developer that first made a name for itself by rolling out an ASP version of Calypso Technology's trading and risk platform in 2006, has now launched its own pre-trade analytics and research application,…

Know the Flows

Information on the flow of assets between asset classes, sectors and regions is increasingly being used as a tactical data input for investment strategies. But does it have the value to become a mainstream indicator of market movements?

JPM, Bear Scramble to Integrate

NEW YORK-On the heels of one of the shortest due-diligence periods on Wall Street, investment banks JPMorgan Chase and Bear Stearns are rushing to create an integration strategy, insiders tell DWT .

Thomson One Adds IE Telecom Reports

Thomson Financial has added telecom company and industry research reports from Vancouver, BC-based IE Market Research to its Thomson One Investment Banker product, on a pay-per-view basis via its Thomson Research Select platform.

S&P rolls out CreditStats Direct

Standard & Poor's last month launched CreditStats Direct, a new web-based analytics service that provides data and tools to view the adjustments underlying S&P's ratings of debt issued by North American and European corporates and utilities.

BoA to Exit Equity Prime Brokerage

NEW YORK-As investment banks north and south of the U.S.-Canadian border are restructuring in response to the credit meltdown, Bank of America (BoA) plans to sell its equity prime brokerage business and separately, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce …

Fitch Revamps Search Engine

Fitch Ratings has rolled out a revamped search engine for accessing the rating agency's archive of research reports online, officials tell Inside Market Data .

Integrity's Investment Research Forecasts

Changes in the way that investors use, receive and pay for research are prompting growing numbers of commentators to express concerns about the outlook for the investment research industry, as buy-side firms focus on generating more research in-house. By…

Re-thinking Research

In a precarious investment environment, the hunt for alpha may force Wall Street to take a leaf out of other research areas. By Kevin E. O'Brien, president and chief executive, Revere Data

Mashing Up Wall Street

Financial firms are finding commercial uses for formerly "social" technologies as cost-effective and direct tools for collaboration and communication. By Penny Herscher, president and chief executive, FirstRain

Research's Technology Revolution

Just as technology improved the management of trade orders between the buy side and sell side, new research tools and protocols are starting to solve communication and management problems between buy-side research consumers and sell-side providers. By…

Taming the Wild, Wild Web

In the last couple of years, the Internet has become pervasive and global, spawning an exciting generation of Web 2.0 applications like podcasts, blogs, wikis, P2P social networking, Semantic Web mashups, and 3D virtual worlds. The latest consumer…

IT Spending Up in 2007

BOSTON & LONDON-Despite the credit crunch, financial services firms have spent more on IT investments in 2007 than previous years, say industry watchers.

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