ASX CHESS replacement to be delivered in phases, with clearing first in 2026
The Australian Securities Exchange announced in November it had chosen Tata Consulting Services to run the new CHESS replacement project after initial plans with Digital Asset were scrapped in 2022.
Data isn’t king if the ‘royal’ C-suite doesn’t buy in
Voice of the CTO: As banks strive to take advantage of cutting-edge tools, the basics of proper data management and governance are too often overlooked. Banks are learning that a CDO can help gain favor with the C-suite.
Elephant in the room: Balancing AI innovation with cloud projects
Voice of the CTO: While generative AI is today’s hot topic, bank technologists explain how they’ve spent years planning for this day, even if cloud had been the main focus. And to be sure, skeptics remain.
Run the bank, change the bank: CTOs juggle needs and wants
Voice of the CTO: In part two of a five-part series, bank technologists explain where firms go wrong when trying to modernize their tech stacks and manage technical debt.
This Week: BMLL makes historical datasets available on Snowflake; Tradeweb;; and more
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
GenAI or replatforming? Bank CTOs disagree on budgetary spend
Voice of the CTO: In part one of a five-part series, several bank technologists discuss where they are looking to spend their budgets this year, and what hurdles stand in the way of experimenting with generative AI.
Alliances and experiments: Trading firms get innovative in 2023
Rebecca offers a recap of the year's most notable technology use-cases led by sell-side and buy-side institutions.
Interop tech buys time for buy-side fixed-income traders
A few buy-side traders and portfolio managers spearheading a drive for greater interoperability are reaping the rewards of increased workplace efficiency. Is interoperability the fixed-income panacea the buy side has been looking for?
Waters Wrap: Examining ASX’s CHESS do-over
The Australian exchange was the first exchange to be all-in on DLT—and the project failed. Anthony speaks with ASX’s Tim Whiteley to discuss the lessons learned and why he thinks the second attempt will succeed.
Traders, vendors seek to modernize chronically underinvested FX tech
The average FX professional uses eight applications at any one time. But integrating the FX workflow is a daunting task.
T+1: Complacency before the storm?
This paper, created by WatersTechnology in association with Gresham Technologies, outlines what the move to T+1 (next-day settlement) of broker/dealer-executed trades in the US and Canadian markets means for buy-side and sell-side firms
New crypto Isins seen as ‘really important’ step for TradFi adoption
Execs at TP Icap and Societe Generale say the identifier removes a major barrier for crypto acceptance.
This Week: Delta Capita/SSimple, BNY Mellon, DTCC, Broadridge, and more
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
Waters Wavelength Podcast: Navigating the buy vs. build debate
Adaptive Financial Consulting’s Matt Barrett joins the podcast to discuss how firms decide to build or buy.
LiquidityBook buys Messer in effort to beef up portfolio management capabilities
The OEMS provider has purchased the Hong Kong-based PMS provider—but don’t say it’s solely a play for the buy side.
Integration looms large for buy-side firms deciding on whether to buy or build
As high-speed trading systems become par for the course, asset managers turn their focus to integration capabilities, according to a new study.
Connective tissue: S&P's InvestorAccess enables secondary market-like trading of primary issues
Through a combination of its own technology and partnerships with fixed-income mainstays Bloomberg and Tradeweb, S&P is looking to create end-to-end workflows to simplify trading of primary bond issues for both buy-side and sell-side firms.
Waters Wrap: What’s next for desktop interop?
Anthony takes a look at the desktop application interoperability space—how we got here and where he thinks it's going.
Glue42 and Finsemble merge, reshaping interop vendor landscape
The niche interop market previously dominated by Glue42, Finsemble, and OpenFin is evolving—and so are the vendors themselves.
Waters Wrap: Numerix, Fincad and the new world of M&A
Anthony says Numerix’s acquisition of Fincad is indicative of where technology development in the capital markets is heading.
Alt data’s growing pains: Integration and aggregation challenges stall wider adoption
Demand for alternative data continues to grow among investment firms. So why are some alt data providers taking products off the market?
Waters Wrap: Regtech hype evolves—for better and worse
As fines levied by the FCA and SEC rise, so too has spending on 'regtech.' But Anthony warns that for the regtech space to evolve further in the future, it must first initiate changes to its ecosystem.
Waters Wavelength Podcast: Broadridge’s Tyler Derr
Broadridge’s CTO Tyler Derr joins the podcast to talk about interoperability, blockchain, and other emerging tech.
Waters Wrap: Blockchain—let’s put the hammer back in the box
With the ASX Chess DLT failure and users ignoring DTCC’s DLT option for its Trade Information Warehouse, Anthony wonders what it will take for the industry to stop touting this buzzword for non-specialized needs.