European Securities and Markets Authority (Esma)

OTC Reporting Rules Commence in Europe

Tough new rules on the levels of disclosure required for over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives trades begin in Europe today, aimed at bringing transparency to a formerly opaque market.

Trans-Atlantic Regulatory Storms

Features in the upcoming March issue of Inside Reference Data identify continuing conflicts over identifier and tax regulations and standards, describing how these divert attention from data management improvement possibilities

ESMA, EBA Recommend Euribor Rate-Setting Revamp

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and the European Banking Authority (EBA) have penned a set of new proposals for improving the process by which the Euro Interbank Offered Rate (Euribor) is decided.

Can Vendors Ease Compliance Burden?

As yet another regulatory reform takes effect—the European Securities and Markets Authority's regulation on short selling—Imagine Software's Brian Miranda says firms are struggling under the weight of it all.

Esma Recommends Use of LEI For Emir

Paris-based regulatory body says that if a global legal entity identifier is available and endorsed by the European Union, it should be used as part of reforms to the over-the-counter derivatives market in Europe. Otherwise, an interim entity identifier,…

Sense and Sensitivity

Although compliance spend is skyrocketing upwards in advance of new regulations, and there are technical revamps involved, a lot of the processes involved are described as common sense by many. Despite this, there's still an element of over-reach to some…

Real-Time Surveillance: Mission Impossible?

European regulator ESMA wants trading venues to perform market surveillance and abuse monitoring in as close to real time as possible. But is the technology and operational capacity in place to make this initiative work? By Steve Dew-Jones