Portfolio management

It does what it says on the tin

SuperDerivatives has been synonymous with derivatives pricing – most specifically options pricing – since its inception some seven years ago. But is was the launch of SD Funds in March this year that positioned the London-based vendor as one of the…

A shift in the balance of power

Hedge funds, especially start-ups, operate at a huge disadvantage. Compared with larger, better established asset managers, small hedge funds do not have access to the appropriate tools to manage their trading operations. This is because, as a start-up,…

The Data Challenges of Valuing Complex Securities

How to value growing numbers of increasingly complex fixed-income securities came under discussion at a panel discussion hosted recently by Standard & Poor's. Panelists debated the data inputs required as well as which models to employ to generate the…

Spotlight on Ben Jackson

Stewart Eisenhart speaks with Ben Jackson, SunGard Kiodex’s recently appointed chief operating officer, about his plans for the firm’s commodities trading platform.

Riding the risk

The US hedge fund industry had a close call last month when the President's Working Group on Financial Markets decided that while greater oversight of hedge funds was needed, no new regulations would be imposed on this growing and sizeable portion of the…

FinAnalytica upgrades FoHF platform

FinAnalytica, a Seattle-based provider of risk management and portfolio construction analytics based on statistical finance methodologies, has released CognityFoF version 2.7. According to the vendor, buy-side users will now have their "own unique…

Markit RED: Invaluable Standard or Monopoly?

Credit default swaps are supported by a single reference entity standard, Markit RED. This has brought stability and efficiency to the market. But, asks Elizabeth Lumley, is Markit's dominance cause for concern?

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