
Linedata Service Tackles Hedge Fund Compliance

Linedata, the Paris-based solutions provider, has unveiled Linedata Compliance Managed Service to address the complexity of global hedge fund regulations by incorporating rule monitoring across different geographies and jurisdictions.

Sapient, EEX Tackle REMIT Reporting

Sapient Global Markets is now a certified implementation partner of the Leipzig, Germany-based European Energy Exchange, which is beefing up its transparency and reporting portal to help wholesale energy providers comply with mandated Regulation on…

Chief Data Officer: A Role Under Construction

Over the past few years, the capital markets have witnessed the promotion of data executives to the role of chief data officer (CDO), elevating data issues to the C-level. Marina Daras looks at how CDOs are making their way to the top of primarily sell…

eClerx Unveils ISDA CSA Solution

Business processing provider eClerx has launched a new product to allow firms to better manage ISDA credit support annex (CSA) documents. The new product, called ISDA CSA Document Risk Review, is designed to help firms better manage their credit risk.

Six Partners with swissQuant for ImpaQt Launch

Data services provider Six Financial Information and swissQuant have launched ImpaQt, a portfolio risk-management system, to support the wealth-management industry in meeting regulatory requirements for client protection, pre-trade suitability and risk.

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