Nasdaq OMX Brings Machine Readable News to New Jersey Data Center

Brian Hyndman, Nasdaq OMX

Data provided by Nasdaq OMX Event-Driven Analytics is now accessible at the Nasdaq OMX data center in Carteret, New Jersey, reducing latency for subscribers to the machine-readable news service.

Event-Driven Analytics, accessible at Carteret through 10G and 40G Ethernet networks, delivers economic indicators like Treasury auction results, job statistics, inflation data and regional and federal economic data.

"By expanding access of Event-Driven Analytics data to our Carteret datacenter, we are delivering on our promise to give customers more efficient access to the tools needed to compete in the marketplace," says Brian Hyndman, senior VP of Nasdaq OMX global data products.

Data from Event-Driven Analytics is also available via the CH2 Equinix data center in Chicago, the NY2 Equinix data center in New York and the K-Street Coresite data center in Washington, D.C.

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