
Firms Drag Heels on MiFID II Research Rulebook Rewrite

MiFID II’s ban on broker-subsidized free research will leave sell-side firms with a multitude of challenges—not least how to price research so as not to lose customers who might direct trading elsewhere, without appearing to incentivize clients to trade…

Asia’s MiFID II Compliance Countdown

The countdown to Jan. 3, 2018, when MiFID II will take effect, is starting to sound like the ominous ticking of a time bomb. Many details of the regulation have been available for some time, yet as the clock ticks down, questions still remain over…

A Costly Race to MiFID II Reporting Compliance

Trade reporting and publication mechanisms are a key part of the new MiFID II legislation. So why are alarming numbers of firms yet to choose their providers? With a last-gasp sprint on the cards in a crowded field of participants, Jamie Hyman…

ESG: Turning Green into Green

ESG is booming, but there's room for further development—Waters speaks to executives from banks, hedge funds, asset managers and vendors to explain how this sector is growing and how AI can speed up its development.

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